Best Time to Put Baby Powder on Balls is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a ways for sites to earn advertising fees by advertisement and linking to

Article updated: January 15, 2022

So you want to dust your nutsack in babe pulverisation considering you think information technology'll help forestall sweat and odor.

Do y'all plan on wearing a diaper too while you lot're at it?

The truth is, babe powder is actually a pretty constructive method of preventing ball funk, sweat, chaffing, and discomfort – as long as you don't heed smelling similar a fresh diaper of course.

A bottle of Johnson and Johnson baby powder

And while at that place are much better brawl powders really designed for men out there, none are quite equally inexpensive as baby powder is. Which usually only costs a few bucks.

Galaxy Dust Body Powder banner ad

The secret to baby powders ability to deodorize a ball sack, and help forbid sweat and chaffing all comes down to its 2 main ingredients – fragrance and talc.

What is Talc?

Talc is a very soft, naturally occurring clay mineral that is mined from underground deposits all over the earth.

In it'due south natural state, talc is pearly white and slightly translucent in color, and since it's the softest known mineral on earth, it's easily crushed into a fine powder.

A line of "talc" powder on a black surface.
It's a friend'south talc

While talc has a ton of uses in cosmetics, food, and the drug industry, I'm going to keep it uncomplicated and simply focus on it's ball sack benefits for us guys. After all, what's more than important than that, right?

In society to understand how our funky and sweaty nuts tin can benefit from the use of talc, it'due south of import to discuss why the original developers of babe pulverisation (Johnson & Johnson) used it as the main ingredient to begin with.

Equally y'all can probably imagine, the inside of a diaper is a hot, humid environment and the source of a lot of friction, chaffing, and discomfort for a baby's fragile pare.

To combat this issue, Johnson & Johnson formulated the starting time batch of babe powder in 1894, using talc every bit the main ingredient.

A piece of talc deposit

That'southward because talc non only absorbs sweat and excess wet, information technology also reduces friction, chaffing, crawling, and even helps cool and soothe the skin. Kind of a baby'due south dream come truthful.

Fast forrard to today, and baby powder is still used in households all across the world, even when there is no baby present.

That's because many men have grown wise to the benefits of baby pulverisation, and are using it to alleviate a lot of the problems having a pair of assurance presents, namely sweat, odor, chaffing, and discomfort.

Is Baby Pulverization Rubber for Balls?

Black and yellow caution tape

And then we established that baby powder is an effective solution for eliminating many of the uncomfortable crotch problems that us men endure from. The question now is: is information technology a condom solution?

I don't know if you noticed, but baby powders main ingredient talc, sort of has a bad rap when it comes to skincare and grooming products.

In fact, it's not at all uncommon to come across bundle labels proudly land that the product within is in fact talc free:

So what's up with that? Why all the hate for talc suddenly? People have been covering their babies butts in the stuff for well over a hundred years and at present it's suddenly considered unsafe?

Is this similar the whole gluten-costless thing?

As information technology turns out, concerns over the safety of talc really have some credibility backside them.

Simply the problem isn't with talc itself. The problem is that talc based products take been constitute to contain traces of cancer causing asbestos. Specifically ovarian cancer and cervical cancer in women.

The trouble is that talc and asbestos are ii minerals that naturally form together. They are very like in composition and information technology'southward not uncommon to find veins of asbestos mixed with underground talc deposits.

And then basically talc, which is 100% safe, has been plant to contain traces of asbestos, which is 100% unsafe.

Well that sucks.

And even though testing for asbestos in talc has get much more than stringent (per regime regulations), the most recent recall was in 2019 when the FDA discovered asbestos contamination in a bottle of Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder.


Equally of 2020, Johnson & Johnson announced that they will no longer be manufacturing any baby powder that contains talc. A look at their ingredient list indicates that they accept substituted cornstarch in identify of talc.

Alternatives to Baby Powder

So the wellness risks of using baby powder on your balls has you lot a fleck freaked out, huh? Don't worry, there are tons of actually great alternatives to infant powder that are completely condom and specifically designed for men like us.

Ball Pulverization

If you lot're expressionless set on using a pulverization to keep your assurance fresh, I recommend you try out one of the many ball powders for men that have been hit the market in the past few years.

Galaxy Dust Body Powder banner

Almost of them use a talc alternatives like corn starch, blistering soda, and arrowroot powder to effectively eliminate sweat, odor, friction, skin irritation, and discomfort.

You'll likewise notice that many of these powders incorporate cooling ingredients similar menthol, peppermint, and eucalyptus to keep the entire crotch region absurd and refreshed. Information technology's kind of like ac for the nutsack (or wherever yous choose to apply information technology).

Ball Deodorant

If ball pulverization isn't your matter, in that location are a agglomeration of awesome deodorants for men's balls available too.

Dissimilar powder, ball deodorant is less messy, easy to use, and is just as constructive at keeping ball sweat, odor, friction, and discomfort at bay.

While brawl deodorants come up in a few different varieties, the nearly pop ones tend to be in the form of creams, lotions, and sprays.

Proper Hygiene

Powders and deodorants are corking, simply the first step to keeping assurance smelling fresh is establish in your personal hygiene habits.

Any guy with a pair of assurance volition tell you, it doesn't accept much for the crotch region to be overthrown by sweat and odor.

While information technology can exist very frustrating, annoying, and embarrassing – it's important to understand exactly what happens down there when the stink starts.

Believe it or non, sweat itself is virtually odorless to humans. The problem is that leaner on the skin thrives in warm, moist environments. So when your balls start sweating – bacteria gets the party started like it's 1999.

Bacteria basically turns your ballsack into an all you can eat buffet/feeding frenzy. Call back Golden Corral on Mother's Day when they bring out a fresh tray of crab legs.

And then while bacteria is chowing down on crab legs your sweat similar there is no tomorrow, they brainstorm forming by-products called thioalcohols, which accept scents like to eggs, onion, broccoli, meat, and cheese. Yummy.

So if you lot were paying attention, it would brand sense that the starting time step to reducing ball funk is to obliterate as much of the bacteria on your skin as possible, right?

Luckily this isn't as hard as it may sound. While there are some really effective soaps and washes for men's assurance, sometimes all you need is a washcloth, soap, and a piffling bit of elbow grease to become the job washed.

While I'thousand non exactly calling your hygiene habits into question, the fact is that men in general don't wash their balls every bit well as they may think.

Utilizing a washcloth or a loofa in the shower will provide enough scrubbing power to exfoliate odour causing leaner from your assurance – effectively keeping you smelling fresher for longer down there.

Questions & Answers (Reader Submitted)

I used baby powder on my assurance for years, could I be at risk?

While I'g certainly no doctor, I will say that the likelihood of you experiencing any sick furnishings, namely cancer, from using baby powder on your balls is likely cipher. As information technology currently stands, the only ones at take chances from asbestos contaminated talc powders are women and fifty-fifty that is considered extremely unlikely.

If you are worried about information technology (you really shouldn't be) I suggest checking out this article from WebMD.

How do y'all effectively apply body powder to your balls (groin)?

Applying brawl powder to your nut sack isn't exactly rocket science, but I go information technology, you want to know the best fashion to apply information technology to optimize its performance. Makes sense.

Well the offset thing you need to do is brand sure your balls are clean and dry before applying. Applying ball powder to your basics later on showering is the best style to become if possible. Most brawl powders provide hours of sweat and odor management so applying in the forenoon should last you most of the 24-hour interval. If you need to reapply throughout the day, I say go for it. No damage, no foul, right?

In regards to the best application method, there really is no incorrect way to apply powder to your balls. You can dump some powder into your manus and kind of teabag your palm.

Or you can simply sprinkle powder down the front of your underwear and let it work its way into the cracks and crevices of your groin naturally.

One of my readers even suggested using a minor brush (like a makeup brush) to work the powder wherever you want it without making a mess. I thought that was a pretty good idea.

At that place really is no right or wrong answer in this situation. Every bit long as your balls are covered in the stuff, I say you are golden.

Is talcum powder prophylactic?

Body powder is often referred to as "talc pulverization" or "talcum pulverisation" even if information technology contains talc or not. Present most torso powders use cornstarch or other powders in place of talc due to the negative reputation that talc has developed over the years.

As I mentioned in this article, trunk powders that do non contain talc are 100% prophylactic to use for both men and women.

Body powders that do incorporate talc (talc pulverization or talcum powder) do pose a small degree of wellness risk for women.

Thanks for reading. If y'all found this commodity helpful, be certain to check out my article discussing in greater detail how to eliminate ball sweat and odor. If y'all have whatever comments or questions, feel free to drop me a line in the comment section beneath.


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