Reading Student Led Conference Sentence Starters 3rd Grade

A reading conference is a scheduled discussion between a teacher and a student, which draws upon the principles of dialogic educational activity. The focus of the discussion is based around a text independently selected past the educatee. Texts are sourced from a range of 'just right' books which take been tailored to the learning needs and reading interests of each student.

A reading conference follows independent reading and offers students the opportunity to:

  • share their thoughts about what they have read
  • fix goals for future reading and
  • receive feedback from the instructor.

Reading conferences permit the teacher to monitor students' reading, and provides determinative data nigh the students' progress and their significant making; including their level of reflection and engagement.

Reading conferences complement and operate concurrently with the core teaching practices of modelled, shared and guided reading, guided reading-reciprocal teaching, literature circles and/or close reading. They are an effective and individualised way to focus on an aspect of reading that will do good each student such as the knowledge and understanding of:

reading strategies (e.g. rereading or self-correction)

  • phonics
  • fluency
  • fiveocabulary
  • comprehension strategies
  • critical thinking.

A typical reading conference

A typical reading conference will take most ten minutes and will occur while students are involved in reading or other independent work.

The teacher and the pupil both come to the reading briefing prepared. The teacher has idea most the educatee, the reading goal and what may be the next step in the educatee'south reading.

There is no set time between reading conferences, but the student does need to have had fourth dimension to complete some reading. Realistically, teachers conference nigh students one time a month, meeting more regularly with students who accept specific reading needs.

A reading conference sequence

This sequence is round and repeating.

  1. Students independently read a self selected text, monitoring their reading goal.
  2. The teacher prepares for the reading briefing, checking notes from the previous session, ensuring that she/he has a clear understanding of the student's goal and prepares some prompts to address the goal.
  3. The teacher and educatee run into. The student shares the goal and their learning related to the text, through a dialogic interaction. The teacher may use prompts to focus the discussion.
  4. The student usually reads a section of the text aloud. A running record tin can exist taken. The teacher gives individualised explicit feedback near the reading or what the pupil says/understands. Together the teacher and pupil decide if the goal has been met.
  5. Together set a new reading goal or continue with the same one. Help the student articulate what he/she will need to exercise, in order to reach the goal. If a new text is selected for the next session, discuss with the educatee what this text volition exist and if necessary, guide the process of pick.

The teacher'south office in ​a reading conference

Before the reading conference the teacher tin plan past:

  • learning nigh a student's reading interests and their attitude towards reading (Run into Educatee Reading Interests and Habits Questionnaire developed by Molyneux and Macintyre)
  • ensuring there are several 'just correct' texts for the pupil to choose from which include some of their reading interests
  • re-reading the student'south reading goal and being enlightened of where to accept the educatee next
  • looking over the running record and/or anecdotal notes taken in the previous reading conference
  • preparing discussion points or prompts that address the student's goal.

During the reading conference the instructor can:

  • ​refer to the previous goal and data about the reading
    • Encourage the student to articulate their goal and determine whether it has been reached.
    • Use prompting questions and give-and-take starters.
    • Show genuine involvement in the student's thoughts, ideas and opinions.​
  • hear the student read (this is especially important for younger readers, EAL readers or students who do good from reading aloud. Independent readers may wish to read sections of the text relevant to their goal.)
    • Have a curt running record (if needed).
    • Monitor the student's use of their reading goal.
    • Provide the student explicit feedback near their reading goal and their reading in general.
    • Provide explicit teaching every bit a result of the reading (if needed).
  • set new goals and further learning
    • Aid the student articulate a new goal or consolidate their current one.
    • Negotiate what piece of work needs to exist washed to successfully achieve the goal. Tape these details.
    • Set a date for the adjacent conference and ensure the student records the details
    • Suggest texts that students may wish to investigate.
    • Tape student responses, achievements and areas for improvement.

Later the reading conference the teacher can:

  • determine if there are like needs between students that should be addressed in group situations, such equally during shared reading or guided reading
  • evaluate the briefing and note student progress
  • plan for the word and prompting questions for the next reading briefing.

In this video the teacher conducts a i-on-one reading conference to cheque how the educatee is progressing with their goal, and their understanding of the text and vocabulary.

The student​'s role in a reading conference

Students too come to the reading conference prepared. They demand to refer to their goal recorded in their reader's response book/notebook and their notes about the work which was needed to accomplish it. The reader'due south response book/notebook acts equally a collection of thoughts, responses, ideas and connections that a educatee has had whilst reading.

It is useful for students to have their reader's response book/notebook on manus when they are participating in independent reading so that they can record new learning, wonderings, evidence or questions.

Before the reading conference the educatee can:

  • select and read their text
  • revise their reading goal and bank check to see whether they take completed the work needed to achieve it
  • recall nearly whether the goal has been achieved or is even so to be achieved.

During the reading briefing the student tin can:

  • begin the discussions by articulating their goal
  • read aloud
  • work with the teacher to make up one's mind whether the goal has been achieved, is withal to be achieved and set a new reading goal if appropriate
  • articulate what they have washed well
  • decide what will be read before the adjacent reading briefing and estimate how much reading will be achieved
  • record the new or consolidating goal, engagement for next conference and what is required for them to reach the goal in their reader's response book/notebook.

After the reading briefing the student tin can:

  • go on with independent reading
  • work towards achieving their goal, past checking progress against notes made in their reader'south response book/notebook
  • record whatsoever learning, wonderings, questions or evidence in their reader'due south response book/notebook in grooming for the next conference.

Text selection​​

It has long been established that success in reading correlates with engagement (Krashen, 2011) and time spent reading correlates with reading achievement (Wu & Samuels, 2003).For students to be engaged readers, they demand to feel they have the autonomy to read textile they detect interesting.

Teachers may propose or guide choices, helping students to make 'only right' text selections, which fall within their 'Zone of Proximal Development' (Vygotsky, 1978). In order to self-select texts, students need admission to texts.

This involves access to schoolhouse and classroom libraries, online reading material, popular civilisation texts and books from home. Fountas and Pinnell (2001, p.118) propose "Nosotros need to fill our shelves with fiction, non-fiction, and verse at various levels of reading difficulty and then that students tin immerse themselves in books they sympathize and bask".

Information technology is too necessary for teachers to have a sound knowledge of the types of texts students are interested in or texts with which students have the potential to be interested.

Teacher questio​​ning

Instructor questioning is an integral part of the reading conference. However, information technology should not dominate it. The teacher needs to make conversation moves to guide the student to articulating the meaning they have fabricated about the text, and hash out the goal they have fix.

The reading briefing should be dialogic in nature, where both the instructor and the student can enquire questions, make comments and share thinking. By the teacher asking questions (e.g. Why do you think that…? Can yous tell me near…? How do you know…? What can you lot employ to assistance you?) the reading conference becomes a guided chat .

Goal setting​

Setting challenging, yet achievable goals has been identified every bit a key cistron in student progress (Hattie, 2009). Students' confidence, perseverance with learning and students' involvement in the learning have the potential to increase in classrooms where goal setting is used (Cocky-Brownish & Mathews, 2003).

Student goal setting is an important part of the reading briefing bicycle. The goals prepare tin be expressed as learning intentions, and should be accompanied by success criteria, which provide students with the clarity needed to determine whether the goal has been accomplished.

Students should be involved in the setting of their goals for reading, merely might need guidance from the teacher to select or articulate their goal.

The reading conference provides the teacher the opportunity to model the linguistic communication of goal setting, and through careful questioning to illuminate the aspects of reading a pupil has accomplished and is yet to accomplish. It is important that students leave the reading conference knowing:

  1. What is my new reading goal?
  2. How am I going to get about achieving my reading goal?
  3. How will I know I have achieved it?

Reading goals tin be ready around phonics, fluency and phasing, comprehension, critical thinking, vocabulary evolution or application of reading strategies.

High expectations​​

Expectations form a role in the goal setting and achievement of students and in the development of students' self-efficacy (Hanover Research, 2012). Hattie (2009) posits that setting goals, expressed equally learning intentions aid to define expectations. The goals provide students with clarity every bit to what is possible for them to achieve. Discussions with students, as they piece of work towards their goals provides formative assessment for the teacher, while providing students with specific feedback.

"…teachers' expectations have the potential to influence student achievement both directly and indirectly past affecting the​​ corporeality of material that the educatee learns likewise as their motivation to try to larn."

​​Hanover Research, 2012 ,page 3.​

Why use reading conferences: Theory to practise​

Meaning making must exist central to the teaching of reading. Students are independent meaning makers when they tin select texts for different purposes, make meaning from the texts, use the texts to fulfil a purpose and talk over the texts with others.

Reading conferences complement and assist:

  • the core reading practices (e.yard. modelled, shared, guided, independent reading, reciprocal pedagogy, literature circles, close reading and reading and writing connections)
  • other instructional scaffolds the teacher puts in place for all students, as they work through the process of becoming contained readers (cf Bruner, 1986)
  • students who are working towards reading independence, who may find aspects of reading hard, or for those students who lack motivation to read. The reading conference affords the benefits of assist with text choice, microscaffolding of reading strategies and guidance with goal setting (Fountas & Pinnell, 2001).
  • students who are avant-garde independent readers. The reading briefing affords the opportunity for these students to make deeper meanings around the text, through the intersection of thought and dialogue (Vygotsky, 1978)
  • EAL and various students. The teacher can apply the reading conference to assist students to understand the social, cultural and linguistic nuances that appear in texts (Christie, 2005). It is important to be aware that teachers demand to have opportunities to give EALD students "stronger, more explicit attention to how language features are used within texts - that is focus on input is needed" (Cantankerous, 2012, p. 217).

The importance of dialogic interactions​​

  • The interconnectedness of linguistic communication and thought has long been recognised (Alexander, 2006; Dirt, 2001; Mercer, 2008; Vygotsky, 1978). Dialogic interactions capture the relationship between thought and language (Vygotsky, 1978), and identify students in situations where they consolidate their pregnant making near a text, through their use of oral language.
  • One thousandore recent research has highlighted what Alexander (2006) terms 'the didactics of the spoken word', that is, how discussion assists understanding, reasoning and engagement. The reading conference provides the opportunity for students to engage in extended talk and build upon their thinking, as they adopt higher order thinking in response to teacher questioning and prompts. Mercer (2008) recognises the importance of teacher/student dialogue and its potential influence on the development of students'
"The reader's first response is 'in the caput', merely talking enables the reader to put thoughts into words. When we value our students' oral respo​​nses to reading, they go more conscious of their own thinking as meaningful and important."

​​(Fountas & Pinnell, 2001, p. 164)​

The role of the r​eader

  • The role of the reader in the process of reading is acknowledged in the vast academic literature about reading. The meaning making that occurs depends upon the purpose for reading the text. Through reading conferences, teachers can aid students articulate the purpose of their reading and guide them in constructing their own meanings.
  • The reader brings past experiences, linguistic knowledge, memories and values to the text, which aid connect the reader to the text. It is then the office of the instructor to help students realise these connections and explore them to deepen their agreement of their reading. Rosenblatt (1982) states that "after the reading our initial function is to deepen the understanding…we should help the young reader return to, relive, and savour the experience" (p. 275). The reading conference provides the scope and means for a teacher to help students connect to their reading.
"Guided talk abou​​t books is an of import strategy for teachers to develop comprehension of literary texts."

(McDonald, 2013, folio iii)​

Downloa​dable template

R​eading conference template​ (docx - 25kb)


Alexander, R. (2006). Towards dialogic instruction: rethinking classroom talk. Thirsk: Dialogos.

Bruner, J. (1986). Actual Minds, Possible Worlds. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Printing.

Clay, M. M. (2001). Change over time in children'south literacy evolution. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Christie, F. (2005). Language Teaching in the Primary Years. Sydney: University of New Due south Wales Press/University of Washington Press.

Cross, R. (2012). Supporting Written Literacy Skills for EAL/D Learners. In R. Henderson (Ed.), Teaching Literacies in the Center Years. South Melbourne, Victoria: Oxford University Press.

Edwards-Groves, C. & Davidson, C. (2017). Becoming a pregnant maker: Talk and interaction in the dialogic classroom. Newtown, NSW: PETAA.

Fisher,D. & Frey, N. (2014). Ameliorate learning through structured educational activity: A framework for the gradual release of responsibility. (2nd. Ed.). Alexandria, Virginia: ASCD.

Fountas, I.C. & Pinnell, Grand. S. (2001). Guiding readers and writers: pedagogy comprehension, genre, and content literacy. Portsmouth, NH. Heinemann.

Hattie, J. (2009). Visible Learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to accomplishment. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Publishers.

Hanover Research, 2012. Loftier expectations and student success (prepared for Springfield R-X11 Public Schools). November, 2012.

Krashen, S. (2011). The compelling (non merely interesting) input hypothesis. The English Connection. (KOTESOL). 15 (three), p.i.

Mason, B. & Krashen, S. (2017). Self selected reading and TOEIC operation​.

McDonald, L. (2013). A literature companion for teachers. Newtown, NSW: PETAA.

Mercer, N. (2008). Talk and the development of reasoning and understanding. Human Development. 51 (one), pp.90 - 100.

Rosenblatt, L. M. (2001). The Literary Transaction: Evocation and Response. Theory into do. xx1, (4), 268 - 277.

Self-Brown, S. R. & Mathews, Due south. (2003). Effects of classroom structure on educatee achievement goal orientation.  Periodical of Educational Research. 97, 106 - 111.

Vygotsky, Fifty.S. (1978). Mind in Society: The development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Printing.

Wu, Y. C. & Samuels, Due south.J. (2003). How the Amount of Time Spent on Independent Reading Affects Reading Achievement. Educational Psychology. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota.


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